A Meaningful Poem
What makes a poem meaningful
A Mont Blanc pen and writing paper
In vanity mirrors I gaze at myself
I see today’s yesterday’s
Tomorrow strokes from this pen
I stumble over driveway cracks
Thoughts of Derek Walcott arise
A nice stich then comes to mind
Passengers curse me from passing cars
What makes a poem meaningful
My partner has left robust exercise
I lend my hand to tend this poem
What makes a poem meaningful
The fan hums a detectable decibel
Ink on this paper drys quicker
Borrowing a phrase unacceptable
I’d slash my face with serrated knifes
That horror—less than inspiring thought
O how blood would stain this page
What make a poem meaningful
Of lasting strokes from my hand
What makes a poem meaningful
I push back with resolve
What makes a poem meaningful
Meaningless vanity mirrors are now
Borrowing a phrase unacceptable
The desk fan hums a detectable
What makes a poem meaningful
A nice stich comes to mind
I push back with resolve