Deadlines: July & August
Every 15th of the month: new deadlines, new contests, and new opportunities for your voice to find the world. The next six weeks include: the Frontier Industry Prize, RHINO Poetry, Beloit Poetry Journal, VQR and more.
FEATURED: 2019 Frontier Industry Prize: One Poem//$3000
Judged by industry greats Jeff Shotts, Kwame Dawes, & Sarah Gambito. Open to emerging poets with no more than two full-length collections. Only ONE poem per submission. No line-limit. 2nd and 3rd place poems will receive $200/$100 respectively & publication with Frontier.
Reading Fee: $20
Asheville Poetry Review
Send 3-6 poems, any length or style, to this annual literary journal.
Reading Fee: $0
$10,000 Rattle Poetry Prize
The annual Rattle Poetry Prize offers $10,000 (!) for a single poem to be published in the winter issue of the magazine. Ten finalists will also receive $200 each, along with publication and eligibility for the $2,000 Readers’ Choice Award. Submit up to 4 poems. No line- limit.
Reading Fee: $25, which includes a one-year subscription to Rattle
The Comstock Review 2019 Muriel Craft Bailey Poetry Contest
First prize: $1,000, Second prize: $250, Third prize: $100. Honorable Mentions receive a one-year subscription. This year’s contest is judged by David Kirby. Submit up to 5 unpublished poems. Each poem must be a maximum of 40 lines. NO SIMULTANEOUS SUBMISSIONS.
Reading Fee: $27.50
Rhino Poetry
RHINO seeks previously unpublished poems, translations, and flash-fiction. Send them 3-5 poems (no more than 5 total pages). All poems automatically considered for their Editor’s Prize.
Reading Fee: $0
Kestrel: A Journal of Literature and Art
Submit 3-5 poems. All styles welcome, including experimental and hybrid forms as well as translations. They encourage work by West Virginian and Appalachian writers.
Reading Fee: $3
Sugar House Review
Send them up to 5 poems, totaling no more than 15 pages. SHR notes that they are capped at 300 submissions per month and then the reading period closes, so act fast!!
Reading Fee: $0 (Fast-track is $3 with a response in 30 days or less)
Fairy Tale Review
FTR seeks poems for their print issue, the Coral Issue, to be published in March 2020. Submit up to 5 poems (no more than 10 pages). They are especially interested in environmental poetry.
Reading Fee: $0
Virginia Quarterly Review
Submit up to 4 poems of less than 15 pages. This esteemed journal will pay $200 per poem with no reading fee.
Reading Fee: $0
The Rumpus
Submit 4-8 poems (up to 12 pages) in one Word.doc or PDF. Get it in now or you will need to wait until January for their next open reading period.
Reading Fee: $0
Military Experience & The Arts
MEA publishes work by military veterans and family members who want to transform their experiences into poetry. Submit no more than 3 poems. Option for one-on-one consultation with an editor if you are willing to revise your work.
Reading Fee: $0
Palette Poetry – 2019 Emerging Poet Prize – $3,000 Award
For this contest, we only accept submissions from emerging poets (i.e. those with fewer than two full-length collections out at the time of submission). Guest judge Kim Addonizio will select the winner and two runners up from the top 10 finalists chosen by the editors. The second and third place winners will also be awarded publication as well as $300 and $200 respectively.
Reading Fee: $20
Red Wheelbarrow Poetry Prize 2019
Three prizes: $1,000, $500, $250. Five finalists published in 2019 Red Wheelbarrow. Letterpress broadside of winning poem. Submit up to three poems. Each poem must fit on a single page. Final Judge: Marilyn Chin
Reading Fee: $15
Spilled Milk Magazine
Issue 10 Poetry Submission. Submit up to 5 poems in one single file.
Reading Fee: $0
Beloit Poetry Journal
Regular submissions for summer reading period. Limit your submissions to 5 poems OR a single long poem. No more than one poem on a page. They don’t use contributors’ notes. NOTE: The reading period may close early (they will close the door after 800 submissions), so ACT FAST!
Reading Fee: $0
3Elements Review
Issue 24. Only ONE poem per submission. Your poem must include all of the following three words: sleepwalk, wane, and effigy.
Reading Fee: $0
Tinderbox Poetry Journal – 2019 Brett Elizabeth Jenkins Poetry Prize
One winner will receive $750 and one runner up will receive $500. Submit up to 3 poems (5 pages maximum). All work submitted for the contest will be considered for publication in the Winter Solstice Issue, which will be published on December 21st. This year’s judge is Vanessa Angélica Villarreal.
Reading Fee: $12 (or $17 option if you request editorial feedback)