Winners and Finalists of the 2021 Previously Published Prize
We are honored to share with everyone the winners, finalists, and longlist of the 2021 Previously Published Prize, our multimedia contest!
Winners of the 2021 Previously Published Prize
1st & $3000— Diane Kerr for “The Distinguished Thing: A Colloquy” (to be re-published on May 25, 2021)
Diane Kerr’s second book, PERIGEE, won the 2020 Brittingham Prize. She is also the author of BUTTERFLY (WordTech Communications, 2014) and a chapbook ONE (Parallel Press, 2007). Her poems have appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Mississippi Review, Pearl, Poetry East, South Dakota Review, and Southern Indiana Review, among others. Kerr has been awarded fellowships to Ropewalk and Hedgebrook. She holds a M.F.A. from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers, has taught writing at the University of Pittsburgh and mentors poets through the Madwomen in the Attic Creative Writing Program at Carlow University in Pittsburgh.
2nd & $300— Darius Simpson, for “If I’m Caught Between a Badge and a Hard Place Three Hours After the Streetlights Turn On“ (to be published on May 26, 2021)
Darius Simpson is a writer, educator, and performer from Akron, Ohio. He received his BA in Political Science from Eastern Michigan University. He resides in Berkeley, CA where he is a candidate for his MFA in Creative Writing-Poetry from Mills College. His work appears in POETRY Magazine, Crab Creek Review, The Adroit Journal, and others.
3rd & $200— Catherine-Esther Cowie, for “Aftermath!” (to be re-published on May 27, 2021)
Catherine-Esther Cowie is from the Caribbean island of St. Lucia and has lived in Canada and the US. She is a graduate of the Pacific University low-residency MFA program. Her writing has appeared in the Penn Review, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, The Common, Potomac Review, Southern Humanities Review and Portland Review. Her work is forthcoming in Poetry South, West Branch Journal, TriQuarterly and Little Patuxent Review.
The Finalists
Ariana-Sophia Kartsonis, for ” Fernando Pessoa, I Salute You All!”
Catherine Esther-Cowie, for “Aftermath”
Mia S. Willis, for ” Juneteenth”
Pete Smith, for ” Naomi: A Midrash”
Raye Hendrix, for ” What Good is Heaven”
Snigdha Koirala, for ” Nature Poem”
Shaina Phenix, for ” Ghazal for Black Girls in Miami”
Urvi Kumbhat, for ” Ghazal for Leaving or Staying”
The Longlist
Benjamin Aleshire
Nandi Comer
Alison Palmer
Amanda Hawkins
Amanda Hawkins
Armen Davoudian
Aruni Wijesinghe
Arunu Gurumurthy
Ashley-Elizabeth Best
Brian Clifton
Chloe Irving
Deborah DeNicola
Diamond Forde
Diane Klammer
Edythe Rodriguez
Ellen Samuels
Erica Charis-Molling
Erin Miller
Geula Geurts
Graham Barnhart
Guia Nocon
Hari Alluri
Janine Certo
JP Grasser
Julia Watson
Karen J. Weyant
Kathleen Casey
Katie Berta
Kimberly Nguyen
Kimberly White
LaWanda Walters
Mary Warren Foulk
Megan Pinto
Melissa Studdard
Mimi Plevin-Foust
Mitch Corber
Molly Bess Rector
Mursalata Muhammad
Namrata Verghese
Roger Sippl
Sara Gelston Somers
Scudder Parker
Steve Bellin-Oka
Terry Hall Bodine
Trace Depass
Wendy Miles