A Road


Let’s say, then, that this is a road,
………….that it narrows as we go, the forks, the branches grow fewer,
………….the yellow wood &c. thins. Alternatives halved each mile.
For the sake of argument we’ll agree
………….that the roadside plants bloom or don’t bloom depending
………….on the season and our seasonal dispositions. That along
the way we acquire and shed companions. That the sky
………….goes black at night and lights again in the morning–
………….though there will be one morning…
Does it help to think like this?
………….To imagine a destination worth the effort, at the very least
………….some beauty to admire in passing? A road, then, tending
uphill, grown over and scuffed by earlier feet
………….with always below a river, and metaphors just lying
………….around for the taking like spent salmon in the shallows.

Jeff Ewing