2022 Love & Eros Prize: Winners & Finalists
We are pleased to announce the winners, finalists, and longlist for the 2022 Love & Eros Prize! Please join us in congratulating these brilliant poets. Deep gratitude to all who shared their moving poems with us. The winning poems were selected by guest judge Carl Phillips and will be published in February.
Winners of the 2022 Love & Eros Prize
1st place — AE Hines for “Security Deposit”
AE Hines’s debut collection, Any Dumb Animal, received Honorable Mention in the North Carolina Poetry Society’s 2022 Brockman-Campbell Book contest and was a daVinci Eye finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book award. His work has also recently appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, The Southern Review, Rhino, American Poetry Review, Poet Lore,The Greensboro Review, Ninth Letter, The Missouri Review, I-70 Review, and Tar River Poetry, among other places. He resides in Charlotte, North Carolina and Medellín, Colombia. www.aehines.net.
2nd place — Shannan Mann for “Versions of the Undefinable Other”
Shannan Mann is an Indian-Canadian poet. A recent winner of the Peatsmoke Summer Contest, she was also a finalist for the 2022 Rattle Poetry Prize, 2021 Frontier Award for New Poets, and has been nominated for the 2022 Forward Prize. Her play “Milkbath” was selected as the resident production of the Toronto Paprika Theatre Festival. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Rattle, Birdcoat Quarterly, Frontier, Humber Literary Review, Oh Reader and elsewhere. You can find her at https://www.instagram.com/shannanmania
3rd place — Caroline New for “Elk Lake, MI”
Caroline Harper New is a writer and visual artist from southwest Georgia. Her work reckons with motherhood, ancestry, and natural disaster in the Gulf Coast, and is grounded in an academic background in anthropology. Her poetry can be found in American Poetry Review, Cincinnati Review, Southern Humanities Review, PRISM International, Bellevue Literary Review, and Ruminate. She is the winner of the 2022 Robert & Adele Schiff Award. New is currently on a Zell Fellowship at the University of Michigan and serves as the Dzanc Writer-in-Residence in Ann Arbor, MI. More can be found at www.carolineharpernew.com .
Jade Hurter
Luisa A. Igloria
Chris Kingsley
Michelle Lewis
Felicia Zamora
Winniebell Xinyu Zong
Alison Zheng
Anna Newman
Arpita Roy
Azura Tyabji
Benjamin Williams
Brett Charles
Caitlin Cossman
Caroline Parkman Barr
Clint Frakes
Daniel Lurie
Deborah Fries
Eli Shaw
Emily Holland
Eric Johnson
Ethan Luk
Evan Loving
F. J. Bergmann
Gordon Taylor
Jerico Lenk
Kai Rosenfield
Kathryn McKenzie
Katie Dozier
Mansi Dahal
Margo Berdeshevsky
Mary Junge
Mary Mullen
Max McDonough
Meghan Feuk
Michele Marie Miller
Mike Burwell
Natasha Huey
Nick Makoha
Olivia Sokolowski
Pujita Verma
Wayne Courtois