The 2019 Palette Poetry Prize Is Now Open!
We are so excited to announce this year’s judge for the Palette Poetry Prize is the amazing poet, educator and community leader, Edward Hirsch:
Edward Hirsch is a celebrated poet and peerless advocate for poetry. He was born in Chicago in 1950—his accent makes it impossible for him to hide his origins—and educated at Grinnell College and the University of Pennsylvania, where he received a Ph.D. in Folklore. His devotion to poetry is lifelong.
He has received numerous awards and fellowships, including a MacArthur Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, an Ingram Merrill Foundation Award, a Pablo Neruda Presidential Medal of Honor, the Prix de Rome, and an Academy of Arts and Letters Award. In 2008, he was elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets.
Edward Hirsch’s first collection of poems received the Delmore Schwartz Memorial Award from New York University and the Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets. His second collection won the National Book Critics Award. Since then, he has published six additional books of poems and five books of prose, including the ubiquitous The Poets Glossary. He is now president of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Palette’s editors will choose the ten finalists, and any honorable mentions they think deserve extra attention. Second and third place will receive $300 and $200, respectively. The winner will receive $4000 and publication.
Last year, torrin a. greathouse won the Palette Poetry Prize with “Hapnophobia, or the Fear of Being Touched“—selected by Shane McCrae.
The contest closes on April 15th—read more info and the guidelines here.