Origin Myth
By Arah Ko
“I have decided to be happy in spite of everything that came before, and because of it.”
Arah Ko is an Asian American writer from Hawai’i. Her work is published or forthcoming in New Ohio Review, Salt Hill, The Margins, Lantern Review, Juked, and elsewhere. She is the recipient of the 2022 Helen Earnhart Harley Award for Poetry and the winner of Ruminate’s 2021 Poetry Prize. Arah is an MFA candidate in creative writing at The Ohio State University where she serves as Art and Associate Poetry Editor for The Journal. When not writing, she can be found in a jungle of houseplants with her cat, Anakin. Catch her at arahko.com.
By Arah Ko
“I have decided to be happy in spite of everything that came before, and because of it.”