September Morning, Mexico City
By Fred Maus
“Rainscrubbed leaves, / the lucid greens of succulents, / trees, vines, shrubs, specked / and caped with every color”
Fred is a writer, musician, and teacher living in Earlysville, Virginia. He has published in Roanoke Review, Citron Review, Vox Populi, Hineni (one-time journal of responses to the 2016 election), and elsewhere. In 2014, he was awarded second place in the Shann Palmer Poetry Contest of the James River Writers, and in 2018 first place, both times with publication in Richmond Magazine.
By Fred Maus
“Rainscrubbed leaves, / the lucid greens of succulents, / trees, vines, shrubs, specked / and caped with every color”