The Language of Water
By Lee Peterson
“We cannot talk about refugees and not / talk about war or water. About the breath / into and out of the mouth and how this is union.”
Lee Peterson is the author of Rooms and Fields: Dramatic Monologues from the War in Bosnia (Kent State University Press). Her poetic, research, and community interests center on issues of human rights, displacement and migration, motherhood, and the female body and female desire. Poems from her second book manuscript, The Needles Road: Poems 2008-2018, have appeared or are forthcoming in Arts & Letters, Bellingham Review, Poetry East, THRUSH and elsewhere. She teaches at Penn State University’s Altoona campus and lives in State College, Pennsylvania.
By Lee Peterson
“We cannot talk about refugees and not / talk about war or water. About the breath / into and out of the mouth and how this is union.”